Media & Sponsorship Contact

Erin Terjesen, Propel Communications
(c) 602.625.2871 (text ok)

CONTACT DIRECTLY Larry Kay & Geralynn Cada:


We’re outside-the-box innovators, too. Perhaps you see a strategic affiliation to work with us. We sure are having a lot of fun growing Dog Hugs’ audience and impact.

Guest: If you are a dog expert or a dog lover who is also a celebrity, thought leader, creator, innovator, adventurer, or someone with a timely story to tell, we’d love to consider you as a guest for an upcoming Dog Hugs episode.

Media: We are both highly-experienced on live TV and online media. If you are journalist on deadline, we are available for a quick quote, too. 

Sponsor: We love emerging pet brands who are seeking a unique, high-impact affiliation. We are also seeking non-pet brands with brand ambassadors who know that aligning with dog lovers is always good for business, regardless of the product or service category.

Syndicator: If you are a media outlet that would benefit by being aligned with this “best of breed” dog video podcast, we’d love to explore a possible match.

It is deeply gratifying that Dog Hugs enriches lives for both people and pets. We offer new Aha Moments in each episode. We love helping people celebrate and grow their own canine-human bonds. We look forward to help you bond with our audience.


Dog Hugs Hosts Larry Kay & Geralynn Cada