Dog Hugs Episodes #201 through #210

Apr 6, 2021 | 2021 Season 2

​Dog Hugs 2020 Season 2 Episodes #201 through #210 Guests: Arden Moore, Mica Soto, Geralynn’s birthday celebration, Tricia Casper, “The Pivot Quest” with Carol Gunn, Max Chauvin, Edy Nathan and Larry Kay, Ryan Goble, Rico Bozant, Jennifer Romas, Chrissy Joy, David Frei, Bernadette Smith, Darwin Angulo

Episode 210. May 5, 2021 Cinco de Mayo Guest: Darwin Angulo, Mexico’s Celebrity Dog Coach.


Episode 209. May 4, 2021 “May The Fourth Be With You” Guest: David Frei, Legendary TV Dog Show Host


Episode 208. April 28, 2021 Guest: Bernadette Smith, Diversity Equity Inclusion at Work.


Episode 207. April 27, 2021 Guest: Chrissy Joy, Movie Dog Trainer & Performer.


Episode 206. April 21, 2021 Guests: Las Vegas Performers Rico Bozant & Jennifer Romas.


Episode 205. April 20, 2021 Guest: PGA Tour Caddy Ryan Goble. Plus, catnip for dogs and the origin of “420.”


Episode 204. April 14, 2021 Guests: “The Pivot Quest” Breakthrough ideas for our society and selves during Covid quarantine with Carol Gunn, Max Chauvin, Edy Nathan, Larry Kay.


Episode 203. April 13, 2021 Guest: Certified Dog Trainer Tricia Casper with Minnie the Magazine Cover Dog Diva


Episode 202. April 7, 2021 Guest: Mica Soto, Puerto Rico’s star pet portrait artist. Geralynn’s big birthday celebration!


Episode 201. April 6, 2021 Guest: Arden Moore, America’s Pet First Aid & Safety Coach

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