Dog Hugs Episodes #81 through #90

Aug 10, 2020 | 2020 Season 1

​Dog Hugs 2020 Season 1 Episodes #81 through #90 Guests: Petiquette, Liz Steers, Jennifer Romas, Meggie Cansler Ness, Kimberly Wright and Reyna Gobel, Rogers Family & Team Joy

Episode 90: September 1. Guest: Meggie Cansler Ness of Transcendence Theater Company.


Episode 89: August 31. Dog Trick Secrets with Spider: Luring Dog Tricks


Episode 88: August 28. Dog Trick Secrets with Spider: “Target Training” Dog Tricks


Episode 87: August 27. Guests: Kimberly Wright with Frankl the special dog who was rescued from the Dog Meat Trade, and journalist Reyna Gobel.


Episode 86: August 25. Guests: Junior Dog Handler Champions The Rogers Family, aka “Team Joy.”


Episode 85: August 24. Well, Larry miscounted this as Dog Hugs 100th Show Celebration. We are excusing him because of Covid quarantine fatigue. Think of it as a preview for our 100th show 🙂


Episode 84: August 14

Guest: Jennifer Romas, performer and creator of “The Sexxy Show.”


Episode 83: August 13. Petiquette: Dog Allergies


Episode 82: August 11. Petiquette: Dog Chewing and Biting


Episode 81: August 10. Guest: Liz Steers, TruFusion Fitness and former Rockette.


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