Welcome To Dog Hugs Season Three

Join hosts Larry Kay and Geralynn Cada for the best in dog tricks and training, state-of-the-art dog care tips, heartwarming stories, shout outs, and fun facts. Celebrate with the top dog pros across the country along with celebrities who love their dogs. On Dog Hugs, there are always prizes, surprises, and gratitude. “We’re GRRRRateful for you!” 

Dog Hugs Hosts Larry Kay & Geralynn Cada

DOG HUGS – A Brief History

When Covid quarantine began, Larry Kay’s two million Facebook fans on Positively Woof needed more support than usual. So, starting March 26, 2020, Larry streamed live with a Dog Hugs video podcast every weekday at noon Pacific Time from his garage video studio, dubbed...

Larry Kay – Bio

Larry grew Positively Woof’s two million Facebook fans by inspiring a community of dog lovers and focusing on four cornerstones: dog tricks, positive training, animal rescue, and pet celebrations. As a keynote speaker, workshop leader, and dog trick performer, Larry...

Geralynn Cada – Bio

For more than 25 years, Certified Professional Dog Trainer (CPDT), Geralynn Cada developed signature training techniques that provide insight to pet owners about their pets’ needs and behavior through private sessions, workshops and classes. These positive...

Missed A Show? Watch Past Shows Here

Did you miss a show? Do you want to replay your favorites here? Maybe you’d like to see how Spider the Trick Dog pulls another prize winner from the Wheel-O-Rama? Every past Dog Hugs show is right here. Yes, all 150 episodes—and counting!

Work With Us

Roll this way for our Media Kit. Want to interview Larry and Geralynn? Or do you have a dog, good human, or happening we should know about? Want to share Dog Hugs with your audience, add the show to your program lineup, join us as a sponsor? Run this way to grow with us.